Tianneng Power International : UPDATES ON THE ... - MarketScreener.com

    2024-09-21 21:59

    In the process of the present spin-off and listing, Zhonghui Certified Public Accountants LLP ( 中匯會計師事務所 ( 特殊普通合夥)) ("Zhonghui CPA") audited the financial data of the Spin-off Company for the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and the six months from January to June 2019 (the "Reporting Periods") in accordance with the relevant ...

    Tianneng Power International : UPDATES ON THE ... - MarketScreener.com

    C & A CPA Limited 中滙會計師事務所有限公司

    C&A CPA Limited, established in 2007. The firm renders professional services comprising accounting, auditing, taxation planning and secretarial services to a well diversified clientele basis. The firm has ample experience and knowledge in incorporation, and administration for Hong Kong private limited companies, partnerships, BVI companies and ...


    香港九龙湾宏照道38号企业广场第五期2座23楼 电话: (852) 2155 8288 传真: (852) 2564 2297 电邮: [email protected] 网址: www.zhcpa.hk

    PDF Tianneng Power International Limited 天能動力國際有限公司

    — 3 — In these fund-raising investment projects, the Spin-off Company actively responded to the national call for energy conservation and emission reduction.